Protecting and Prolonging rail infrastructure performance
Railways are the most efficient, quickest and cheapest method of transporting people and goods in the world. All industrialised nations have well developed railway networks spread to every corner of their country.
In the UK our railway network enables millions of people every day to get to school, college and work, visit family, meet clients and access new places, carrying vast numbers of passengers and freight every day. We have almost 10,000 miles of track and over 2,500 individual stations. Keeping this critical infrastructure running is vital to the economy and and provides an important transportation option.
With the UK’s rail infrastructure experiencing record levels of growth, now, more than ever, the importance of understanding rail infrastructure condition and operational viability has become a priority for Rail Asset Managers.
We provide solutions and support services during the life cycle of your rail assets

Sixense are able to provide a variety of monitoring solutions to record the position and movement of rail infrastructure, including manual survey, automated monitoring using our CYCLOPS ATS System, Tiltmeters etc…. or for large scale monitoring requirements our ATLAS InSAR solution.
We work in accordance with Network Rail Standards NR/L2/TRK/3100 and NR/L2/CIV/177 and operate throughout the UK and Northern Europe delivering high precision, cost effective and, most importantly, safe infrastructure monitoring solutions.
Services include designing, supplying, installing, managing and maintaining custom monitoring systems that measure the impact on existing railway infrastructure of adjacent development, or on new railway networks during their construction, as well as long term structural health monitoring systems.
Our solutions enable Railway Asset owners the opportunity to understand the structural integrity and condition of their assets.
We provide a variety of monitoring solutions that record geotechnical behaviour, structural movement, and environmental impact.
Monitoring solutions can range from simple manual survey techniques, such as Precise Level, 3D Track Shoe or Track Trolley Surveys as well as geotechnical instrumentation in groundworks, through to fully automated site based solutions comprising Cyclops ATS systems and datalogged structural and geotechnical instrumentation.
Our in-house Atlas InSAR monitoring solution, capable of undertaking precise and efficient measurements of entire railway networks, incorporating geospatial data acquired from satellites is also available.
Asset Mapping

Working with our sister company, Sixense Helimap, we are able to undertake high precision LiDAR and photogrammetric data acquisition and processing services.
We use helicopters, drones, ultralights and terrestrial vehicles to undertake high precision, surveys of road networks, safely and efficiently.
We undertake –
• Rail corridor network mapping
• Mapping of complex and inaccessible areas
• High precision / resolution (1-10 cm)
• Thermal / Near Infrared Reflectance / Oblique / Panoramic imaging
Our expertise allows us to deploy rapidly and produce high-precision data for small to medium areas.